Support Embrace Space


Be part of Embrace Space

Successful charities emerge primarily from the enthusiasm and commitment of their founders and from the passion and dedication of a small team. Essentially, however, the initiative can only exist and expand thanks to those who believe in the project and its potential, those who encourage and support it.

The International Charity Embrace: Space for Art, Creation and Regeneration aims to support visionary people active worldwide in the fields of art and science, environmental protection, and human rights, especially when they face severe adversity, repression and hardship, making them vulnerable and unable to pursue their ideals. Importantly, Embrace Space promotes the relational and restorative principles of attention to and care of people and the planet, and facilitates the diffusion and transmission of knowledge about the relationship between culture and nature, focused on sustainability and ecological awareness.

Embrace Space carries out its activities, notably its residency programs and its locally and globally engaged projects, thanks to the support from its partners, grantors, benefactors, donors, members and friends. Supporting Embrace Space signifies a commitment to art and nature, innovative and critical thinking, and to stimulating complex democratization processes. Your support also underwrites the promotion of local projects on an international scale, actively engaging in the exchange and development of artistic, scientific, and humanist practices and contributing to the cultural enrichment of the community, the protection of its heritage and environment.

How to get involved?

Partner organizations have similar aims as Embrace Space. They are interested in hosting residents at one of the sites of Embrace Space. They develop partnership agreements with Embrace Space to organise exchange programs for residents and to share experiences, opinions and outcome.
Grantors are governmental bodies or legal persons. Through various actions and grants, they enable the realisation of the mission and the activities of Embrace Space. A tailored agreement is to be discussed with each Grantor. If appropriate the Grantors will be mentioned at events, in programs, activities and publications, and on the Embrace Space website.

Benefactors and donors are natural persons, foundations or associations. Through their donations, they support the mission and vision, the activities, or the residents of Embrace Space. Benefactors and donors may – if they chose so – be mentioned at events, in programs and publications, and on the Embrace Space website. Benefactors receive the possibility of a personalized guided tour with the executive director or curator at the residence of their choice.

MEMBERS are natural persons with a recognized experience or a special interest in the arts, sciences, environmental protection or human rights. They make their estate or part of a property available to the charity in order to contribute to the realization of the charity’s purpose and its further development.

HONORARY MEMBERS are natural persons with a recognized experience or a special interest, and with an international reputation in the arts, sciences, environmental protection or human rights. They are willing to support the charity’s cause.

ASSOCIATE MEMBERS are natural or legal persons who support the goals of Embrace Space. They are willing to put their competence and network at the service of Embrace Space for the successful implementation of its mission and activities.

FRIENDS of Embrace Space are individuals who show great sympathy for its mission, vision and activites and want to encourage and support the project.

INTERNATIONAL FRIENDS are interested in encouraging the founders and stimulating the members so as to enable the further development of Embrace Space.

LOCAL FRIENDS are sympathising with the activities of a specific site of Embrace Space and represent the local community. Local Friends wish to make a difference by their active support of a project: participating in certain activities or lending their help for the successful implementation of a project.

For more information or any enquiries concerning “Be part of Embrace Space”, write to