The International Charity EMBRACE SPACE aims to support visionary people active worldwide in the fields of art and science, environmental protection and human rights. At the same time, it wishes to offer breathing space to individuals who have faced adversity, repression and hardship that may make them vulnerable as they find it difficult to continue their ideals. Through its international activities, the charity wants to support and, as it were, “embrace” these guardians of culture and nature, humanism and democracy, so that they can resource in a serene and remote environment and can return to their work with an improved well-being, renewed energy and inspiration to creatively build a better world.
Through its action, the charity wants to contribute to a peaceful world with respect for art, science, cultural heritage, the environment, and human rights. The charity will give time and space to all those who thus engage in an artistic or constructive way, will supervise projects and organise activities to place their work in an international perspective, to promote their vision, and to encourage them to further their creativity, commitment, and mindfulness.
The charity offers a residence to these remarkable people, preferably abroad, where they can meet and converse. The potential for relational synergy between thinkers and doers from the various disciplines and geographies offers the opportunity to stimulate new insights, new forms of making, creative ways to publish, to circulate and share materials. Our contribution towards the complex and pressing global challenges is modest but our ambition is not modest: we will provide support and space for intellectual debate for innovative ideas to encourage the development of alternative models of society, and beautiful and peaceful surroundings. The concerns are of beauty, serenity, spaciousness and conviviality.